I'll leave it to others to hash out the precise and strict definition for what unschooling is.
My post today is about what unschooling does: how it acts. And what it gives you.
What does unschooling do for you, the individual?
And you don't have to be of 'school' age to be an unschooler. In my books, anyone can be an unschooler when they are approaching living in an independent, inquisitive way.
Let's get personal.
Life is hard but does it have to be dull? Does it have to be routine, predictable- boring? Must you always have to be told what to do, when to do it, how to do it-following orders like a lackey?
Do you have to seek permission? Do you have to have expert advice for every decision you face? Do you always have to wait; and wait and wait some more to maybe get your chance to shine?
Unschooling says, "No way!"
Life is for living--not tomorrow, not when I grow up, not when I'm older, not when I'm retired. Life is for living now. Unschooling understands this. It takes responsibility for one's time on this earth.
Unschooling acts immediately; it bites at the bit. But it also examines; it also reflects; it lets things stew and simmer; it is unhurried and unconcerned with the hurry-scurry, demands and expectations of peers and society.
Unschooling digs- it digs life, loves it, has you sniffing for hidden treasures, unearthing secrets, welcoming surprises.
Unschooling makes you have to trust, makes you scared sometimes but that's half the thrill of it-isn't it?
Unschooling has you questioning- your parents, authority, the world and the way it works. Unschooling allows mistakes; in fact mistakes are good because they help you learn- they don't prevent it!
Unschooling preserves-your originality, your curiosity your self-trust.
Unschooling nurtures your spirit of independence and has you demanding more out of your life; out of yourself.
I do really enjoy your posts. Most brilliantly you shine.
Well put! This is a great description. I tell people that we homeschool because life is short and I care about the quality of my kids' lives. Why waste so much time being bored, or bullied? Nice post.
Well put.
I would add that it also often fosters experimentation, the relative of questioning. A lot of folks come up with ideas and question things, but unschoolers often go the next step and actually IMPLEMENT the ideas. They give it a try. Some don't work, but they're experimenting and trying.
@Anon- Danae, thanks so much for your lovely comment!
@Emily M-you are right! Life is short-why waste it?
@Peter K-Great comment! Experimentation means taking risks and not being afraid of failing. Thanks for your insight.
Thanks for being positive! We need more of this and less of the definitions.
Like Wendy says, Less ofthe definitions." To unschool is to...BE!
@Wendy-Thanks Wendy. I just read your post:
"For me, the unfortunate aspect of this is that people can think they are “unschooling failures” because they do not follow the “rules.”"
Great post!
@Azra- I like this comment!
Amazing! I loved it. Very uplifting and inspiring. Also reminds me of how I want to live my life. :) Thank you.
@Cheyenne-thanks for the lovely comment!
Thank you! How can you argue with this? You've presented unschooling in a wonderfully inclusive way-welcoming anyone and everyone who wants to take control of their living and learning immediately. Bravo!
Love this post! People have asked me time and again what is unschooling I wish I could put it this beautifully. Shari
@Shari- thanks so much for your kind words.
This post is very helpful. So uplifting especially as the school year looms ahead.Thank you!
What a brilliant description!!! Thank you...
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