Radio Free School has been stymied by the loss (temporary) of our computer used to edit the show. It's been in the shop since last week. Once we get it back we can start catching up on lost time, and the kids are raring to go with some shows of their own devising.
We will also be running the computer on a linux system, so a bit of a learning curve will undoubtedly take place.
Thanks for your patience, we'll keep you in the know!
Glad to hear you'll be using GNU/Linux. Can i ask which distribution... just out of curiocity.
Kubuntu, Gutsy 7.10 - but man I am having to figure out how to get my audio editing software (audacity) to work with it - so as far as radio free school goes, we're still in the ditch spinning our wheels to get a show done...
any advice would be appreciated!
I'm an ubuntu person myself, but the core of both distros is the same. What problems do you have with audacity? I do sometimes have problems with it only wanting to record a single track, and when i try to record the second one it messes it up, so i have to record different tracks separately, and then cut+paste them in the single project. If you get nothing being recorded then there can be a couple of things wrong, either the sound devices are incorrect in the audacity's settings (Menu → Edit → Preferences → Audio I/O) or the volume maybe turned off (for me it's Volume Control application, but on KDE it's probably something different).
I don't really know what problems you can be experiencing if you don't tell me though… q;-) Let me know if there's something specific which doesn't work. (I'm no expert, but i can try to help out)
Hey, thanks - i wasn't sure you would be back to help or not - basically i am having difficulty getting the export as mp3 function to appear - to be fair to kubuntu the other problems were minor and more to do with settings on audacity and the sound mixer.
But i don't know how to get the edited file into Lame.
In audacity I go to Edit -> Preferences then the File Formats - but it doesn't want to do anything under the mp3 export section - it seems to need but I don't know how to help it find it.
Ok, can i first say that using OGG vorbis is a much better option for political reasons, since it is an open standard. I've switched to it a while ago, and while it does create some upset users, it gets some who say "Right on!"
If you have libmp3lame installed, your is probably at /usr/lib note that it could be named
If you don't it there check if the package is installed. Graphical way to do that would be to start Synaptic Package Manager (look for it in the menu) and then search for 'libmp3lame' without quotes (it might be good to search by name only, without description). Install it and look for the appropriate files then.
If none of this works, let me know again, i'll try to figure out what is going on. q;-)
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